Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

It’s Sunday at last!
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.
The world’s best-designed newspaper.

The best day of the week deserves a newspaper of its very own. That is why
the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung is not just the seventh issue of
the F.A.Z. each week, but its own separate medium that sets itself apart in
both writing style and design. The F.A.S. generally takes a narrative approach
to topics and provides an informative, entertaining and pleasurable reading
experience with its array of rich profiles, feature stories and interviews.

This is why our readers value it – so much, in fact, that they spend an average
of 841 minutes reading it every Sunday. That is 84 valuable minutes during
which they also are engaged with your brand. And they do so in a relaxed weekend
atmosphere, a time when many important decisions are made.
Moreover: The F.A.S. has been named the world’s best-designed newspaper
for the fifth time by the Society for News Design. It’s no coincidence that we
are called the best-looking newspaper in the world.